Class 2 short moral stories in hindi | Shair or Khargosh

Class 2 short moral stories in hindi

Lion and Rabit(शेर और खरगोश) 

एक घने जंगल में एक शेर रहता था, वह सारे जंगल का राजा था, लेकिन वह राजा की तरह व्यवहार नहीं करता था, वह शेर से डरकर हर दिन जंगल के जानवरों को बेरहमी से खा जाता था, जंगल के जानवर वे जंगल में छुपकर छिपते थे। फुक और प्यास को मारने के बाद वे गंभीर समस्याओं से पीड़ित थे, इसलिए कुछ दिनों के बाद जंगल के सभी जानवर एक जगह इकट्ठा हुए और वे सभी बाघ की बुराई से सुरक्षित रहने के लिए एक साथ परामर्श करने लगे। अंत में, एक सियार ने कहा, “मुझे लगता है कि शेर के हाथों मरने के बजाय, हमें कभी-कभी शेर के पास जाना चाहिए, इसलिए शेर हर दिन हम में से एक को खाएगा और हम सभी अपनी बारी में जाएंगे और एक-दूसरे को बुलाओ।” सभी जानवर सियार की बात मान गए। एक बंदर ने कहा, “ठीक है, तुम बिल्कुल सही कह रहे हो। मौत से डरने की बजाय हम अपनी बारी आने तक संतोष और शांति का जीवन जी सकेंगे।” बातचीत ख़त्म होने के बाद सियार खुद शेर के पास गया और सारी बात बताई, अगर मिलने में देर हुई तो मैं चुप नहीं बैठूँगा और फिर से तुम सब पर हमला करना शुरू कर दूँगा, शेर ने बड़े गुस्से से कहा।. शेर ने यह सब बड़े गुस्से से कहा। शेर की बातें सुनकर सियार ने अपना समर्थन व्यक्त किया और वहां से चला गया। यह मामला ऐसे ही चल रहा था और एक दिन एक खरगोश की बारी आई शेर के पास जाने की खरगोश बहुत चतुर था। उसने जानवरों को बेरहमी से मारने वाले शेर को सबक सिखाने का फैसला किया और एक अच्छी योजना बनाकर वह धीरे-धीरे शेर की गुफा तक पहुंच गया। मैंने पहले ही कहा था कि मैं चुप नहीं बैठूंगा। तुम्हारे पास बहुत कुछ है वादा टूटा है, इसलिए मैं जंगल में जाऊंगा और किसी भी जानवर का शिकार करूंगा और उसे खाऊंगा। तब खरगोश ने शेर से कहा, मुझे माफ कर दो राजा। इसका कारण संतुष्टि है, मैं तुम्हें बताता हूं, मेरी बात सुनो और उसके बाद मुझे मार डालो। शांति से और मुझे खा जाओ। शेर ने फिर गुस्से से कहा, “वह क्या है, जल्दी बताओ।” शेर ने मुझे ढूंढ लिया और मुझे मारने के लिए आगे बढ़ने लगा। मैंने शेर के सामने आपकी बहादुरी के बारे में बात की, लेकिन वह बहुत बुरा बोलने लगा शेर के बारे में। यह सुनकर मैंने गुस्से में कहा, “तुम हमारे जंगल के नहीं हो।” राजा के बारे में ऐसी बातें मत कहो, यह सुनने के बाद शेर मुझ पर हमला करने के लिए तैयार था। मैंने कहा, “अगर तुम मुझे मार डालोगे तो। हमारा राजा तुम्हें कभी नहीं छोड़ेगा।” उसने अपने पंजे से कई हाथियों को मार डाला है. 
चाहे आपका राजा हो या कोई और, वह मेरे हाथ से नहीं बच सकता और कोई मेरे सामने टिक नहीं सकता। इसलिए उसे यहाँ ले आओ, वह मुझ पर दबाव डालने लगा और कहने लगा, राजा सलामत, इसीलिए देर हो गई। यह सुनते ही शेर ने कहा गुस्से में बोला, ”चलो, जो भी है, मैं इसे खत्म कर दूंगा।” वह उसे एक कुएं के पास ले गया और खरगोश ने कहा, ”राजा, इसके अंदर देखो। वह वहां आपका बेसब्री से इंतजार कर रहा है। उसे एक अच्छा सबक सिखाओ।” शेर दहाड़ने लगा, तभी खरगोश ने कहा, देखो इसे कितना घमंड है, यह तुम्हें कैसे नीचा दिखा रहा है, वह शेर का हौसला बढ़ाने लगा। शेर हाथ-पैर मारकर कुएं से बाहर नहीं निकल पा रहा था। पानी और वह कुएं में मर गया।  पाठ हमें सामान्य ज्ञान का उपयोग करके अपनी रक्षा करनी चाहिए.

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Umro Or Botal Ka Jin PDF Free Download

 Umro Or Botal Ka Jin

Umro Ayyar or botal ka jin is a great and interesting story and in this story Umro Ayyar collides with a genie that is trapped in a bottle. The story is full of interesting incidents.

How does the bottle ka jin behave with Umaro, is he going to harm Umaro or will he become Omar’s friend.

Umro Ayyar Or Botal Ka Jin Story

Umro Ayyar was advancing towards the army of Sardar Amir Hamza, driving a horse of age and quality. He went to the country of Iran as an envoy of Sardar Amir Hamza with a message and he gave the message of Sardar Amir Hamza to the Shah of Iran and then returned without stopping there.

 In those days, as there was a great war between the armies of Sardar Amir Hamza and Emperor Afrasiab, Umaro was also regularly participating in this war.  Sardar Amir Hamza sent him a message asking him to go to Iran, so Umro was worried for a moment.  His heart did not want him to leave the war.

But since it was the command of Sardar Amir Hamza, he took his message and left immediately, and after delivering the message, he did not try to stop there and left for his return on the same day.

 He must have been tired because he had to travel long distances twice in one day. He was driving the horse. The shadows of the evening were getting darker and Umro was trying to reach the army of Sardar Amir Hamza by nightfall. His horse’s name was Storm and he was running very fast as a storm. At that time, Umro Ayyar was passing through a forest, because there was a special way to go from one end to the other end of the forest, so the speed of the horse did not decrease. The horse must have crossed half of the forest when suddenly the horse’s speed started to slow down.

Umro Or Botal Ka Jin Details 

Book Name: Umro Or Botal Ka Jin

Warter: Zaheer Ahmed 

Book Size: 2.55 MB

Book Pages: 57

Category: Umro Ayyar Stories 

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Umro Ayyar Or Botal Ka Jin Download Free

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Can we read Umro Ayyar or botal ka jin online?

Yes you can read this story online drag down the following page and find embedded window and read this story online.

Umro Ayyar Or Sabz Jadogar Download PDF Free

Umro Ayyar Or Sabz Jadogar

The series of children’s stories in Urdu is very famous. Umaro Ayyar is a favorite character of children. The way Umro fights with magicians, jinns and fairies, children like him very much. Umro’s Zanbeel is loved by children, which contains millions of crores of treasure. 
This story “Umro Or Sabz Jadogar” is an interesting story in which Umro Ayyar has a clash with a Sabz Jadogar and there are many funny incidents and this story is going to make you love it.

Umro Ayyar Or Sabz Jadogar Story Plot

Umro Ayyar was leaving the house and going to the market to buy some vegetables for lunch.  By chance, on the way he saw a cucumber on the ground.  The cucumber looked green and very fresh.  Umro picked up the cucumber and thought that perhaps the cucumber had fallen there from the hand of a passer-by and the passer-by did not know.  However, on reaching home, this passer-by will find that the cucumber has fallen somewhere, so the poor person will be very worried. Umro thought that a good deed should be done and the cucumber should be brought to its owner, but it was very difficult to find out, so Umro thought it better to stay at that place and wait for the owner.  When the owner of the cucumber reaches home and finds the cucumber missing, he will definitely come on the same path in search of the cucumber.  So Umro stayed there and told the owner of the cucumbere began to wait.

 Only a few moments had passed when suddenly his hand began to tingle.  Amr was startled and looked at his hand, which had a cucumber in it, and he was immediately frightened because the cucumber was moving in his hand like a snake.  Amr screamed and immediately threw the cucumber-like snake on the ground, but as soon as it fell on the ground, the green snake with the shape and color of wood stood on its tail and laughed out of its mouth, so Umro jumped spontaneously. Ha  Ha  Ha  Amr Ayar.  Why are you scared?  Why is your face pale with fear? The snake

Said to Umro. 

 “My face is only pale, but you are whole.”

 “Cucumbers are all green.”  Umro said angrily.

Umro Or Sabz Jadogar Books Details:

Book Size: 1.46 MB
Book Writer: Safdar Shaheen
Pages: 43
Series: Umro Ayyar
Posted By: Pakurdulabs

How To Umro Or Sabz Jadogar Story

To download Umro Ayyar and Sabz Jadogar book, go to the bottom of this page and look for the download button on the page, when you see the download button, click on it and this way your book will be downloaded.

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Umro Ayyar Or Tund Mund Jungle Download PDF Free

 Umro Ayyar Or Tund Mund Jungle

Umro Ayyar is a famous character in the story and in Urdu stories children read this character with great interest and are always looking for new stories of Umro Ayyar. This story Umro and Tundmund Jungle is an interesting story and a very favorite story for children where Umro Ayyar is on a new mission and this mission is also full of interest.

Umro Ayyar Or Tund Mund Jungle Story Plot

Umro Ayyar was riding a horse and driving it slowly. Since the horse had been running for several hours, it was now very tired, Umaro Ayyar was also sitting on its back, he was also tired, and anyway, the city was not far away, whose inn He was supposed to stay at night. On the orders of Prince Asad, the eldest son of Amir Hamza, he was going to the neighboring country for an important task, but this country was far away and he knew that it would take him several days to reach there. Will start. So he was in no hurry. He just wanted to reach the inn before nightfall when suddenly he heard a distant scream.  Umro Ayyar was shocked when he heard this voice. The horse also raised its ears. When the sound of shouting was heard once again, the horse began to neigh uncontrollably. Umaro Uiyar turned the horse’s direction in that direction from where he heard the sound of shouting. The voice was that of a woman.

Umro Ayyar Or Tund Mund Jungle Details

Book Size: 3.27 MB
Book Writer: Mazhar Kaleem MA
Pages: 16
Series: Umro Ayyar
Posted By: Pakurdulabs 

Read Also PakUrduLabs:

 When the sound of shouting was heard once again, Umro saddled the horse and the horse started running. Perhaps the horse himself wanted to go to the place from where the screams were coming. When Umro reached there, he was surprised to see that there was a huge forest of leafless trees.  Among these trees, there was also a large lake of water, on the edge of which there were bushes with big leaves, but all the trees there were without leaves. Such trees are called Tund Mund trees.
More stories in pdf book download and read the full story. 

How To Download Umro Ayyar And Tunf Mund Jungle 

If you want to download this Urdu story, it is very easy, check the download button on this page and click on it. This story will automatically start downloading.

Umro Or Shehanshah Afrasiyab Qaid Mein PDF Download Free

Umro Or Shahnshah Afrasiyab Qaid Mein

 My third novel in the joint series of Umro Ayar and Shahensha Afrasiab is “Umro and Shahensha Afrasiab are in prison. You have read two novels of this style before this. In these two novels, the campaign of Umro Ayar and Shahensha Afrasiab is  It would have been the same where their begums were also present with them, but both of them are enemies of each other, whereas in the present novel, these two eternal enemies and their begums become friends with each other from the beginning of the campaign and it’s funny. Umro Ayyar and his begum Chand Tara shower flowers on Emperor Afrasiab and Queen Hira Jadoo and Emperor Afrasiab and his begum Queen Hira Jadoo give precious rings to both of them.

Umro or Shehanshah Afrasiyab qaid mein

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 Why not amazing and fun.  But how did all this happen when Umro Ayyar and Shahensha Afrasiab were each other’s worst enemies in the novels, how were they forced to be friends with each other? You will know this only by reading the novel. I try to make my readers aware of this.  To write new style novels which you have not read before.

Umro Or Shehanshah Afrasiyab Qaid Mein Details

Book Size: 4.61 MB
Book Writer: Syed Ali Hassan Gillani
Pages: 252
Series: Umro Ayyar
Posted By: Pakurdulabs

Story Umro Or Shehanshah Afrasiyab Qaid Mein

There were long mountain ranges on all sides and the mountains were gray in color. It was very hot on these mountains because they were dry and dry and there was no sign of green anywhere on them and it was a very remote and terrible place where traveling was not an easy task because there was no drinking water anywhere. There was no such thing as there were no animals here that could be hunted and quench their hunger, so it was called the Valley of Death because the traveler who came here could not find anything but death. Read the full story and download the pdf book.

How To Download Umro Or shahnshah Afrasiyab Qaid Mein

Find the download button on the following page and click on it download will start automatically. 

Umro Or Sardar Jadogar PDF Download Free

 Umro Or Sardar Jadogar

Umro Sardar Jadugar is a very interesting story for kids this is one of the most famous Umro Ayyar Urdu stories must read stories of Umro Ayyar Urdu Kahani. Umro Ayyar is a very famous Urdu story character kids like this character and his missions.

Umro or sardar jadogar

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Umro Or Sadar Jadogar Book Details

Book Size: 2.75 MB
Book Writer: Mazhar Kaleem MA
Pages: 43
Series: Umro Ayyar
Posted By: Pakurdulabs

Umro Or Sadar Jadogar Story

Umro was in a deep sleep when someone knocked on the door of his room and his eyes opened uncontrollably.  It was very bright in the room but it was dark outside the window, so Umro looked at the window and understood that it was not yet night, but the door was constantly and very fast.

 was being knocked. who is? Umro said loudly.  Open the gate. When he heard the sound of his servant from outside, Khawaja Umro got down from the bed, put on his shoes, and as soon as he opened the door, he got a strong push and he jumped on the floor on his back. but fell  As if his staff was flying above him, Agra and Umro’s mouths screamed once more because the heavy staff’s fall really made him feel as if all the bones in his body were broken.  The servant had moved quickly aside as he fell upon him when at that moment a wrestler-like man with a terrible face entered.  He had a big mustache.  There was a crown on the head.  There was anger and hatred in his eyes.  He entered and picked up the basket of Khawaja Umro which was placed on the head of the bed and went out as fast as he had entered – hey hey who is this  Hey, my Zanbil, Umro cried when he saw this wrestler taking Zanbil and got up helplessly and ran after him, but it was dark outside. To read the full story download the book.


Umro Or Uran Gadha Download PDF

 Umro Or Urran Gadha

Umro Ayyar is a famous character and you will definitely like this adventurous story. Umro’s adventures will include a magical donkey which will make the story more interesting.

Umro or uran gadha

Useful Links:
Book Size: 1.32 MB
Book Writer: Mazhar Kaleem MA
Pages: 16
Series: Umro Ayyar
Posted By: Pakurdulabs

Story Line Of Umro Or Uran Gadha

Khawaja Umro was passing through Rawat, a border town of Syria country on a donkey, when suddenly four horsemen stopped near him while running.  Because the king of Syria had decreed that no one could ride a horse in Syria except the king and the royal army.  That is why even the greatest nobleman did not ride a horse there.  Therefore donkeys were used for riding there.  When Khawaja Umro reached Syria, he also had to ride a donkey there and even then he was going to meet a man riding a donkey.
 The horsemen came close to him and stopped.  Khawaja Umro understood that these could be the riders of the royal army, so he also stopped the donkey.  who are you?  Where did you come from?” A horseman addressed Umro Ayyar in a very stern tone and said, “My name is Khawaja Umro and I come from an Islamic country.” Umro replied.

 “You look like a bandit to us. So let’s go and you will be presented before the king.”

 The same horseman said in a more stern tone than before, “Okay, what do I mind, let’s go.”  Khwaja Umro was happy on the contrary. He wanted to be presented to the king because he was sure that the king would respect him more when he knew about him. That’s why Umro actually went with them willingly.

How to Download Umro Or Uran Gadha Story

Drag down the page find the download button on the page and click on it to download story book.

Harmony in Plumage: A Tale of Melody and Umbra”

In the picturesque Kingdom of the Peacocks, where the sunsets painted the skies in hues of orange and pink, a tale of two sisters unfolded—Melody and Umbra. Their story, much like the vibrant plumage that adorned the peacocks, was a tapestry woven with threads of love, rivalry, and redemption.

The Genesis of Dissimilarity

The kingdom buzzed with excitement when Queen Seraphina gave birth to twin princesses. However, joy turned to bewilderment as the sisters displayed stark differences. Melody, the elder one, possessed an otherworldly beauty, her tail shimmering with the radiant hues of seven colors. Umbra, in contrast, had a tail that bore an uncanny resemblance to that of a crow—dark and mysterious.

This dissimilarity, both in appearance and disposition, led to a whirlwind of gossip within the kingdom. The courtiers whispered in hushed tones about the peculiar fate of the royal sisters. Little did they know that this divergence in destiny would shape the narrative of the kingdom for years to come.

The Dance of Rivalry

As the sisters grew, so did the distinctions in their personalities. Melody, enamored by the graceful art of dance, would often be found twirling beneath the radiant sun, her seven-colored tail unfurling like a mesmerizing fan. Umbra, on the other hand, was drawn to the intricacies of insect life, her curiosity leading her to unexplored corners of the kingdom.

The turning point arrived with the grand festival, a spectacle where tradition dictated that the most exquisite dancer would be chosen to perform before the divine goddess. Melody, confident in her abilities, envisioned herself as the chosen one. However, fate had a different script. In an unexpected twist, Umbra, who had quietly honed her skills, emerged as the star of the festival.

The thunderous applause and jubilant cheers that welcomed Umbra served as a wake-up call for Melody, abruptly dispelling the illusion of certainty. In that moment, the weight of realization descended upon her—a poignant acknowledgment that her own neglect and undue confidence had unwittingly paved the path for her sister’s triumphant moment. It marked a turning point, a stark confrontation with the unintended repercussions of her prior actions.

Revelations and Redemption

The night of the festival took an unexpected turn when Umbra, in a brave act of defiance, revealed a long-guarded secret. She was not a peacock but a crow, manipulated and placed in the kingdom as part of a revenge plan by the crow queen. The revelation sent shockwaves through the kingdom, challenging the very fabric of trust that held it together.

Melody, understanding the sacrifice her sister made, stepped forward to shield Umbra from the wrath of the crow queen. In a climactic confrontation, Melody used her once-glorious tail to deflect the malevolent spell back towards the scheming crow queen. The crow queen’s sinister plot unraveled, and both sisters stood together to restore order.

A Tale of Unity and Understanding

The story of Melody and Umbra serves as a timeless reminder that beauty extends beyond the exterior, and strength lies in the bonds of love and forgiveness. The Kingdom of the Peacocks, once marred by deception and rivalry, found redemption in the unity of two sisters with hearts intertwined.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the kingdom, Melody and Umbra embraced their true identities. The colors of their plumage, though different, blended harmoniously, creating a tapestry of unity and understanding.

The Kingdom of the Peacocks, now adorned with the wisdom gained from the tale of Melody and Umbra, stood as a beacon of resilience, reminding its inhabitants that true strength lies in embracing diversity and forgiving the trespasses of the past. In the gentle rustle of feathers and the harmonious melody of forgiveness, a new chapter unfolded in the enchanting Kingdom of the Peacocks.

For more stories visit Pakurdulabs.

Be Reham Tarzan Download PDF | Tarzan Urdu Stories for Kids

 Tarzan Urdu PDF Stories 

Tarzan stories have been originally written in English by American novelist Edgar Rice Burroughs. However, there have been Urdu adaptations of these stories as well, particularly in the form of comic books and TV dramas. Some popular Urdu Tarzan stories include. 

Tarzen urdu stories are very famous in kids and these stories mostly written by Mazhar Kaleem MA and Zaheer Ahmed. 

1. Tarzan Ki Wapsi (The Return of Tarzan) by Edgar Rice Burroughs, translated into Urdu by Shamsheer Ahmed

2. Shehri Tarzan (Urban Tarzan) by Guatam Kumar, an Urdu adaptation of the story set in modern-day India

3. Tarzan Aur Zalim Wadi (Tarzan and the Savage Land) by Edgar Rice Burroughs, translated into Urdu by Zameer Jafri

These stories are widely available online and in bookstores in Pakistan and India.

There are many tarzan Urdu Stories books with beautiful stories that you may like. 

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Other Urdu Kids PDF Stories Books

Here are some popular Urdu kids stories:

1. Akbar and Birbal: This is a collection of short stories about the witty interactions between Emperor Akbar and his advisor Birbal. These stories teach children about problem-solving and using intelligence to overcome challenges.

2. Tenali Raman: Another collection of short stories about the clever and humorous antics of the court jester Tenali Raman. These stories also teach children about critical thinking and creativity.

3. Sheikh Chilli: This character is known for his foolishness and comical mishaps. His stories aim to teach children about the importance of using common sense and avoiding foolish behavior.

4. Lal Badshah: This is a story about a brave young boy who defeats a powerful demon and saves his village. This story teaches children about courage and perseverance.

5. The Three Little Pigs: This is a well-known fairy tale that has been translated into Urdu. The story teaches children about the importance of hard work and planning to achieve success.

These are just a few examples of the many Urdu kids stories available. Reading stories in Urdu is a great way for children to learn about their culture, language, and values.

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To download berahm tarzan story book find the download button on this page and click on it to download book. 

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Tarzan Or Darindey Download Urdu Pdf

 Who is Tarzan

Tarzan is a famous character and very popular among children and many movies have been made on this character people love this character especially children. Tarzan is a wild man who grew up with animals since childhood  Because of living with animals. 

Tarzan was a human child, but he was raised by whites in the wild forests of Africa. People considered him to be a gorilla. He was so indomitable that he used to twist the neck of a big lion like a tiger, and used to make a living bat. Humans used to tremble at his name.

He also understands the language of animals and the animals consider Tarzan to be the king of the forest.

Tarzan is a good man and a good king who always cares and protects his forest dwellers.

Tarzan Or Darindey

Tarzan and the Beasts is a great story that you will enjoy reading and you will find yourself involved in the real environment.  You will enjoy reading how Tarzan conquers his forest dwellers and subdues his enemies.

Main Parts

1: Tarzan Africa mein

2: Main Tarzan hon

3: Darindon se dosti

4: Jungli insan

5: Woh admi kon tha

6: Dhoka

7: Maut ka Nach

8: Mera bacha kahan hai

9: Woh mar gaya

10: Roqof k qabzey mein

11: Maut or zindagi

12: Sakht Muqabla

13: Tarzan bach gaya

14: Dushman

15: Jahaz ki tabahi

16: Wapsi

Book Details 

Name: Tarzan or darindey

Pages: 192

Size: 16 MB

How To Download Tarzan Or Darindey 

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Just scroll down the page and find the download button on the bottom of the page and then click on the download button download will start automatically. 
